Optimizing Fertilization for Strawberry Tray Plants
As the market for strawberry tray plants continues to expand, the cultivation methods are becoming increasingly specialized. At Mivena, we recognize that achieving a resilient and high-yield crop requires a strategic approach to fertilization—one that’s tailored to the specific needs of each plant variety and growing condition. The following insights highlight how our controlled-release and water-soluble fertilizers can enhance efficiency, optimize growth, and ensure a healthy crop.
Understanding the Challenges in Strawberry Tray Plant Cultivation
The cultivation of strawberry tray plants is faced with several evolving challenges:
1.New Varieties with Unique Needs: Emerging strawberry varieties each bring specific characteristics and nutritional demands.
2.Market Demands for Specific Plant Types: The industry’s move towards specialized strawberry types requires precision in cultivation practices.
3.Efficient Fertilization on Recirculation Fields: As recirculation systems become more common, minimizing waste and maximizing nutrient uptake are paramount.
4.Chemical-Free Crop Protection: A well-balanced fertilization strategy is crucial for promoting natural plant defenses, reducing the need for chemical interventions.
Horti-Cote Plus CRF: Your Go-To Fertilizer
For over 12 years, our research in strawberry tray plant fertilization, conducted at the Trial Centre PC Hoogstraten and Delphy, has shown that Horti-Cote Plus CRF is the ideal solution for achieving consistent growth. This controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) is designed with a stable release curve that doesn’t overreact to temperature fluctuations, making it safer and more reliable than many other products on the market.
The Dangers of Root Burn and the Importance of Timing
High electrical conductivity (EC) levels caused by inappropriate fertilizer use can lead to root burn, which disrupts nutrient uptake and opens the door for pathogens. To mitigate this, we recommend using Horti-Cote Plus CRF mixed into the substrate for baseline nutrition, paired with Granusol WSF (a water-soluble fertilizer) applied via irrigation systems or sprayers. This approach ensures a balanced nutrient release that matches the plant’s growth stages.
Recommended Fertilization Strategy:
– CRF-WSF Ratio: Apply 70-90 kg N/ha with Horti-Cote Plus CRF 6M and 120-150 kg N/ha using Granusol WSF schedules.
– Timing is key: Different strawberry varieties benefit from varying nutrient schedules. For example, ‘Sonsation’ benefits from early fertilization on the tray field, while ‘Malling Centenary’ requires a distinct approach for heavier plants.
Addressing Sodium and Chlorine Sensitivity
Strawberries are highly sensitive to salts like sodium and chlorine, which can accumulate in recirculated water. To counteract this, we use Granusol WSF, a pure crystalline fertilizer that contains no undesirable salts. Adjusting the fertigation schedule to manage antagonistic interactions is essential for maintaining optimal growth conditions.
Avoiding Unpredictable Fertilizer Releases
With doses of basic fertilizer ranging from 3-6 kg per cubic meter, understanding the release curve of each product is crucial. Especially at the start of cultivation, high temperatures can cause an excessive release of nutrients, negatively impacting the young plants. Proper management of nutrient release is essential for avoiding spikes in nitrate levels, which can harm plant development.
Perfecting the N-Ammonium to N-Nitrate Ratio
Achieving the right balance between ammonium and nitrate nitrogen is vital for healthy strawberry tray plants. Pre-compounded fertilizers like Granusol WSF ensure a consistent ratio of nitrogen, cations, and trace elements. Depending on the variety and growth stage, increasing ammonium nitrogen at the appropriate time can significantly boost growth.
Starting Strong with Granusol WSF
A strong start is critical for successful tray plant cultivation. Our Granusol WSF 10+52+10+MgO+TE+MV10 offers the best assurance for maximum growth by providing readily absorbable phosphates that are always available to new root tips.
Insights from Recent Trials
Recent trials have further validated our fertilization strategies:
– Sonsation Trials: The trial at PC Hoogstraten showed optimized growth and fruit production with top-dressing using Horti-Cote Plus 2M.
– Favori Trials: Conducted at Delphy Berry Plaza, this three-year trial on everbearing strawberries tested various nutritional levels, demonstrating significant improvements in fruit production and quality.
– Elsanta Trials: A five-year study confirmed the benefits of using Horti-Cote Plus CRF with trace elements, showing substantial gains in both yield and plant health.
In strawberry cultivation, precision is everything. By carefully balancing nutrient delivery, we not only improve plant health but also minimize waste and reduce the need for chemical interventions. At Mivena, we are committed to providing innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of the strawberry industry, ensuring that every crop is as healthy and productive as possible.
For more detailed information on our products and fertilization strategies, visit our website or contact one of our technical sales managers for tailored advice.