Mivena’s recommendations for a perfect start of your sport-pitch
Every successful maintained sport pitch starts with a good soil and turf management plan. Mivena is happy to help you make the right choices.
Some questions to ask ourselves:
- How is the actual soil condition?
- Are major measures necessary in the coming winter period?
- How are we going to set up the maintenance plan in relation to field entry?
These three points are extremely important for drawing up a good fertilization plan and accompanying spring application.
Start on time with spring application
A common mistake we make with spring fertilization in North- West Europe is that that we postpone this first application until April (In Scandinavia even later until May). In an average spring, we see young root tips become active from the end of February. Mivena’s Duration coated fertilizers are very suitable for successful application this period. The optimal fertilizer for this period must have a controlled availability of elements at low soil temperature.
Controlled availability in the first place to avoid obesity grass. Second, to prevent leaching. The major advantage of mineral coated fertilizers compared to the organic variants is the availability of phosphates, potassium-sulphates and nitrogen early spring.
Availability of necessary elements at low soil temperatures
We do not have to expect much from the supply capacity of the soil during this period with low soil temperature. This period the young root tips especially need available phosphate, sulphate, and potassium to grow actively. We also want to have the main elements calcium, magnesium, nitrogen and trace elements available in lesser sizes for this young root tip.
Mivena’s coated products Granucote®CRF, Greenstar®CRF and Granupermanent Universal®CRF perfectly matches this desired availability.
Minimize nitrate NO₃ availability
High nitrate levels in early spring increase the disease pressure turfgrass and should be avoided. In early spring, plant crop growth is still minimal, which easily results in an imbalance in the grass plant.
Mivena’s Granucote®CRF, Greenstar®CRF and Granupermanent Universal®CRF contains our specially developed Duration CRtm resin-coated Urea which will provide exactly the right amount of nitrogen as required by the grass plant.
Plan your second fertilizer application
The longevity of the first application depends on your total fertilization and maintenance plan. In a year like this we see that not everything can always be planned. The weather is also not always or always not predictable. Nevertheless, a good implementation of the fertilization plan in anticipation of current circumstances is essential.
In recent years we have become used to major maintenance in May / June. For the Spring application (March) we use Granucote CRF, Greenstar CRF or Granupermanent CRF (Universal) with a duration of action of 2-3 or 3-4 Months.
This allows us to applicate Mivena CRF this period with immediately available phosphate and other essential elements for a good emergence of grass direct after seeding. Furthermore, the direct availability of N is important for closing the turf quickly. This is a valued strategy at IPM (Integrated Pest Management) to limit weed pressure.
Do not forget
Optimal soil condition and good water quality is always the starting point. The correct cation balance and good soil structure are leading here. The optimal pH is a logical consequence of this.